5 Helpful Ways To Cope With PTSD

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is an anxiety issue that often happens to people after experiencing a scary or threatening event.

Even though you aren’t directly a part of the incident, its shock can be so severe that it could hamper your mindset and give you a hard time when trying to lead a normal life.

What’s more, PTSD can last for years and the symptoms could have an impact on your overall lifestyle. Due to this, it could become tempting to leverage negative and complex PTSD coping skills to tackle the heightened state of anxiety that it causes.

Sure, negative strategies might seem like the best option in the spur of the moment and can help take the edge off but they could turn self-destructive in the long run!

That being the case, what is it that you could do, along with CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and other treatments to keep your PTSD in check?

In this blog, our experts at Encasa Botanics have put together a list of ways to cope with PTSD. These are very simple approaches that you could consider and start implementing in your everyday life.

Let’s take a look!

1. Try to Learn Your Trigger Points

Women looking stressed

After enduring a traumatic event, it’s highly likely that you’d encounter various situations that remind you of the accident/incident.

In that case, ensure that you understand your emotional reaction to these aspects and take note of it. This is because anything that induces sudden sadness, fear or any other kind of negative emotion is perhaps a trigger point for your PTSD.

That said, recognise what these things, persons and/or places are, and accordingly restrict your exposure to them.

However, if your therapist has recommended you to occasionally expose yourself to these triggers to desensitise, ensure you’re encircled with your support system.

Do not try to undertake exposure therapy on your own though; it’s always better to seek assistance from a professional mental health expert.

2. Practice Different Relaxation Techniques

A Women meditating

One of the best ways to cope with PTSD is to practice various relaxation techniques. In recent years, these strategies have shown to help an array of mental health issues.

In fact, PTSD treatment such as mindfulness-based techniques have shown effective results in reducing self-blame and avoidance in those facing this disorder.

It doesn’t stop here though. There are more such PTSD coping skills that have been found to lower symptoms of anxiety and chronic stress related to PTSD. One of them being the use of essential CBD Oils.

At Encasa Botanics, the collection of CBD oils offered by us are made using natural ingredients and offer an array of benefits. Among these, some of the best benefits include calming and relaxing properties, better sleep cycle and anxiety and stress relief.

To find out more about our range of CBD oils and CBD vape e-liquids, visit our website today!

3. Leverage Art Therapy

A piece of art

Yet another effective way to cope with PTSD that has been increasingly gaining popularity among mental health experts is ‘Art Therapy’. This is a form of therapy that’s often conducted by a group of professionals who are specially trained to help people experiencing trauma.

In this type of PTSD self help, the primary focus is on assisting you to externalise your emotions while learning to deal with distressing moments through art such as sculptures or painting.

What’s more, based on various studies, it has been found that art therapy does help people diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and PTSD to conquer their symptoms. It also helps them leave behind and move on from their painful incidents by leveraging art projects.

4. Adopt a Pet

A dog in a box

Adopting a pet that’s trained to identify and avert (or interrupt) the onset of disruptive symptoms of anxiety is considered as one of the best ways to cope with PTSD.

In fact, a lot of research has shown that a trained pet can have a positive impact (although for a short-term) on your well-being and help you handle PTSD-related stress and depression in a much better way. It is also known to help you deal with other symptoms like nightmares.

5. Focus on Your Physical Health

A Women eating

Individuals who often suffer from post traumatic stress disorder are often likely to endure other physical well-being issues like:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Arthritis
  • Digestive Problems
  • General Pain

In order to prevent or lower these issues, you must eat well and indulge in regular physical activity.

Exercise like short or moderate bouts can help improve your cardiorespiratory system and overall mood. Couple this with a nutrient-rich, balanced diet and our range of CBD oils - you’ll start feeling better inside-out!

Visit Encasa Botanics to Order Essential CBD Oils Today

As mentioned in point #2, CBD oils are among the most effective ways to cope with PTSD.

Not only are they an excellent way to deal with PTSD but also help with other health problems like migraines, chronic pain, inflammation, diabetes and overall well-being.

So, why wait?

Visit our website and place your order today!

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